الجمعة، 13 مايو 2011


Building materials and paints walls, furniture and various human activities such as cleaning the house and the use of detergents and pesticides, the most important sources of pollution and also combustion of fuel when cooking, water heating, and smoking ..

The combustion of fuel during the cooking and water heating of the most important sources of pollution inside our homes .. Consequential to them from gases such as nitrogen dioxide .. And sulfur dioxide, and Icontrkiz these gases high in the kitchens, at least gradually as we move away from the kitchen to the rest of the house .. therefore recommends housewife using hoods in the kitchen, although not possible, it must open the kitchen window until the renewal is Air pollutants do not accumulate inside the kitchen ..

As for the use of detergents and pesticides, is produced by different pollutants affect Visahp Rights, which requires rational use within the home, and not to spray insecticides in the presence of children.

The subject of pollution

Smoking is the most important sources of pollution in our homes, so smokers should be concerned about the allocation of a well-ventilated place for them, or on balconies, with no smoking in the presence of children permanently, and the best quitting the habit once and for all.

Another source of pollution inside the house paint the walls and furniture as well as paints, so it must be ventilated houses down so as not to accumulate pollutants resulting from these paints, as well as the garbage is one of the main causes of pollution they decompose if left inside the house for a long time, especially with a high degree of temperature, leading to the formation of ammonia, as well as the growth of harmful micro-organisms and microbes, and become a magnet for flies which facilitates the transmission of diseases ... so it must be put garbage in a closed vessel inside the house, do not leave the Mdptaiwilp.. To maintain a healthy environment free of pollution from our homes

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