In coordination with the Egyptian embassy in Washington, a delegation of eminent persons representing a number of major institutions and the American body concerned with the protection of Egyptian antiquities from theft to visit Cairo during the period from 16 to 19 May for consultation with the Egyptian authorities concerned in order to develop an action plan to stop the organized theft experienced by the Egyptian Antiquities, and in order to preserve this common heritage of mankind.
It is scheduled to meet with the delegation, which is chaired by Ms. Debra Laure Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Archaeological Sciences of the University of George Washington, with senior government officials in Egypt to offer specific proposals to address this phenomenon and support the efforts of the Egyptian government in various organs in this regard, including the preparation and financing of programs training and drivers for those devices.
In order to give a strong push and support genuine efforts to protect the heritage of Egypt, the Egyptian Embassy in Washington, in full coordination with representatives of the delegation, and the preparation of an integrated program include the convening of all meetings concerned as well as field visits to a number of archaeological sites, which were stolen during the last period.
The visit comes amid growing interest among institutions and individuals concerned with science impacts in the United States and a number of other countries with the escalation and repeated acts of theft, which exposed the Egyptian Antiquities.
The delegation, visiting a group of eminent experts, the signatories of the "Call for the protection of Egyptian antiquities," which calls for the U.S. government to take immediate action to prevent any possible trade or sale of stolen Egyptian antiquities in the U.S. market.
جديد! انقر على الكلمات أعلاه لعرض الترجمات البديلة. إزالة
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